Who said 'resolutions' are just for the New Year. The summer season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions (goals). Whether it’s eating healthier, cleaning out the garage, planting a garden, or taking better care of your physical and mental health, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions.
Make a list
Lists are a great way to stay on track. Write down some things you would like to accomplish this summer and then begin collecting any items you may need to accomplish your goals.
Develop Your Action Plan
Take one goal at a time. Break it down a little further and jot down those things that you need to do or obtain to accomplish your goal. For example, if your is to plant a garden, jot down the plants you would like to have and everything you need to plant your garden. If your goal is to eat healthier, decide one or two things you need to cut back on and what else you plan to do to gain more control over your diet.
Post Your List
Post your list on the side of the refrigerator as a constant reminder of the things you would like to get accomplished this summer. Do your best to spread your goals out over the summer and stay on track.
Reward yourself
When you succeed in achieving a goal, be it a big one or a small one, make sure to pat yourself on the back and treat yourself with something special or celebrate with a loved one or friend. Perhaps a nice evening out to dinner.
Think positively
Positive thinking is a major factor in success. So instead of mulling over things that didn’t go quite right, remind yourself of things that did.
Setting goals for ourselves is an effective way to create motivation, helps to facilitate healthy coping, and gives us something to look forward to. In facts, goal setting is part of overcoming the symptoms associated with mental illness or addiction.
To make your goal-setting more effective, use the SMART approach:
Stay Positive
You have the courage and strength within you to reach your goals and dreams. If you can dream it, you can do. You just have to believe. Believing in yourself is a key ingredient to most things in life, especially reaching your goals and full potential.
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